Uplyme Parish News

Our online Parish News including back copies  – can be viewed  and/or downloaded here. 

Axe Valley Mission Community

Pew News for the AVMC


Exeter Cathedral Online Services


1 Safeguarding is part of our core faith and an integral feature of Christian life in our parish churches.

2 Welfare of children, young people & vulnerable adults is at all times paramount and takes precedence over all other considerations

3 Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser MUST be consulted whenever a safeguarding concern of any kind arises in your parish

Further information regarding Safeguarding can be found on this website and in the church office.


Uplyme is very fortunate to have a Church of England primary school ( Mrs. Ethelston’s) next-door to the church.  Part of our mission is to bless and support the governors, staff and pupils.  To this end, on our staff team is a member of the school teaching staff.  This helps us foster a close relationship with the school.

  1. We keep the Church Council and church members informed of developments in the school and vice-versa.
  2. We encourage church members to support the school and school projects – e.g. help with reading, workshops, etc.
  3. We develop strategies to support the school (staff, pupils and governors) in prayer and kindness or with resources.
  4. We provide a suitable school space (and occasionally top and tail) Monday and Friday worship in the church building.


Strong links between the School and the Church