Uplyme Parish News

Our online Parish News including back copies  – can be viewed  and/or downloaded here. 

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1 Safeguarding is part of our core faith and an integral feature of Christian life in our parish churches.

2 Welfare of children, young people & vulnerable adults is at all times paramount and takes precedence over all other considerations

3 Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser MUST be consulted whenever a safeguarding concern of any kind arises in your parish

Further information regarding Safeguarding can be found on this website and in the church office.



If you’re reading this then it’s because you’re either thinking about a wedding or you’ve booked a wedding at Uplyme or Axmouth churches.  A church wedding isn’t just about a beautiful venue – it’s about making a lifelong commitment to another person in the sight and presence of God and wider community.  A church wedding is a Christian wedding and takes place in the context of Christian worship and prayer.  For many couples they sense or feel God even if they are not followers of Jesus or members of a local church – but if you engage with the real meaning of a church wedding then you will find the experience a very meaningful and deeply moving occasion (as well as a fun, exciting and joyous one).

Who can get married in the church building?

Anyone who is resident in the church parishes of Uplyme and Axmouth (or is on the Church Electoral Roll) or who has a qualifying connection such as parents living in either parish is eligible to be married in their parish church building.  We do marry divorcees at the vicar’s discretion.  We realise that for many who make enquiries at Uplyme or Axmouth the answer is sadly going to be a ‘no’ but the good news is that there is a Church of England church that you can get married in – for example, the one where you or your parents live.  For more information please go to the Church of England website at the following address: www.cofe.anglican.org/marriagemeasure.

How do I book a wedding?

In the first instance please contact the Church Office by phone on 01297 441986 or using the contact form to make a provisional booking. You will then be invited to a Sunday worship to meet the vicar, to experience our church community, and to complete a Marriage Application and/or Qualifying Connection form.

What will it cost?

The church bit of the wedding will probably be the cheapest part of the day!

The full total will be between £587 and £692.

There is much more help and information available, but the next step may be to contact the Office or talk to a member of the clergy.  You are welcome to come along to one of our Sunday worship gatherings to meet us.

When do I need to pay?

You will need to pay a non-returnable deposit of £100 after you have completed the initial Banns of Marriage form.  This deposit will need to be paid within four weeks of your initial enquiry.

The fees need to be paid in full three weeks before the wedding day and cheques should payable to “Uplyme PCC” and sent to the Church Office, St Peter and St Pauls Parish Church, Pound Lane, Uplyme, Lyme Regis, DT7 3TT.


Hopefully this Wedding FAQ will help answer some of our questions!

Can I have confetti?

Yes, absolutely.  BUT….

  1. Please can you let your guests know that confetti should be thrown at the bottom roadside steps outside the churchyard.  Uplyme Churchyard is still active and we try and respect the bereaved by not having confetti blowing onto the plots.
  2. Please source environmentally friendly confetti too – DO NOT use plastic silver stars, etc.

Can I film or photograph the ceremony?

Yes, however we ask you to respect the wishes of the vicar and PCC not to take photographs or film the declarations and vows.  In this technological day and age you might think this a bit odd, however, this is a Christian ceremony and the declarations and vows are between you and God.  We want this part of the ceremony to remain special and sacrosanct.  We realise that this is counter-cultural and we hope you will respect this tradition.

Do you recommend a photographer?

Yes!  We recommend Matt Roe.  Matt is very familiar with Uplyme Church building and is a professional and superb photographer.


Do I have to have hymns?

No, if you are having a small wedding or are a family of non-singers, then you do not have to have hymns.  You may wish a friend to play or sing something, or a CD instead.  Quite often couples choose an appropriate poem or ask friends to play during the signing of the registers.

Do we have to attend Marriage Preparation?

Yes!  Think of all the hours you are putting into your wedding day and how many hours you are investing in the rest of your lives?  Sadly, us vicars see many of the young couples we married getting divorced.  None of them think it will happen to them.  Investing in your marriage now, while it is still young and fresh, is essential.  Don’t underestimate the importance of the marriage preparation course.  And besides, it’s a fun thing too!