Uplyme Parish News

Our online Parish News including back copies  – can be viewed  and/or downloaded here. 

Axe Valley Mission Community

Pew News for the AVMC


Exeter Cathedral Online Services


1 Safeguarding is part of our core faith and an integral feature of Christian life in our parish churches.

2 Welfare of children, young people & vulnerable adults is at all times paramount and takes precedence over all other considerations

3 Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser MUST be consulted whenever a safeguarding concern of any kind arises in your parish

Further information regarding Safeguarding can be found on this website and in the church office.

Wedding Checklist

We are so nice to you! Here is a list of things you need to check for the church part of your wedding day:

  1. Provisionally book the date: Have you provisionally booked your date through the church office on 01297 441986 and given us all your contact details, names, addresses, phone numbers, etc? The provisional booking is held for 4 weeks from your enquiry date.
  2. Come along to a worship: Have you visited a 10am worship?  This is so you can introduce yourself to our team.  You will be given a Banns of Marriage Application Form, and if required a Qualifying Connection Form to complete.  You can take this home and complete it or complete it on your visit.
  3. Return your Banns of Marriage Application Form: Have you completed and returned the Banns form and if appropriate the Qualifying Connection Form along with a cheque for £100 (non-returnable deposit) made payable to ‘Uplyme PCC’ or ‘Axmouth PCC’ respectively?  This needs to be returned within 4 weeks of your initial enquiry before we can confirm your wedding date and time.
  4. Wedding Planning Meeting: The next thing to do will be to have a Wedding Planning Meeting with our vicar.  This will help you with all the organisational details concerning your wedding service including the order of service, flowers, music, rehearsal dates and times etc.  It will also be an opportunity to resolve any particular questions you may have.  Make sure this date is in your diary!  This will usually happen a few months before the wedding day.
  5. Book your places on the Marriage Preparation Course: This FREE marriage preparation course (not wedding preparation) is to help you get the best start to your married lives together. Call the church office to book your place on 01297 441986!
  6. Make your choices: Have you chosen your Bible reading, hymns and entry and exit music or any other items? Please let us know your choices. Have you also chosen a friend or relative to read the reading or say prayers?
  7. Pay the fees: Have you paid us the fees for your wedding? This must take place no later than three weeks before your wedding day.
  8. Put your rehearsal date in your diary: Your wedding rehearsal will usually take place two days before your wedding day – for example, if your wedding is on a Saturday then your rehearsal will be on a Thursday. The time and date will be in the letter we send you nearer your wedding day. Have you put this date in your diary?
  9. Submit your Banns Certificate: If one or both of you live outside the parish then you must contact your local vicar(s) and ask them to publish your banns of marriage in your local church. Once the Banns have been called without objection you must pick up the certificate issued by the minister and get it to our church office. Without this certificate your marriage cannot proceed. Your banns of marriage will also be published in our church.
  10. Submit your Order of Service for proof reading: Have you given us the draft version of your Order of Service so we can proof-read it, check it and give you the go-ahead to print?